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In-School Arts Residency – Building a Nest

Four story brick building with adjacent courtyard
Apr 7, 2015
In-School Arts Residency: Fotos y Poemas
por Catherine Aiello, Children’s Art Centre Program Coordinator Click here for English. Los estudiantes de primer grado en la escuela Hurley acaban de terminar un proyecto emocionante que combina la fotografía, la tecnología y las artes de lenguaje. Durante varias semanas, los estudiantes trabajaron juntos para tomarles retratos fotográficos representando distintas emociones. Después, en su […]
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Apr 7, 2015
In-School Arts Residency: Photos and Poems
by Catherine Aiello, Children’s Art Centre Program Coordinator Haga clic aquí para el español. The first graders at the Hurley have just finished up an exciting project combining photography, language arts, and technology literacy. Over several weeks, students worked together to take portraits of each other representing different emotions using the school’s classroom set of iPads. […]
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Apr 6, 2015
Messy Hands, Growing Minds: Brain Building and the Arts
by Chelsea Revelle, Director of Arts and Culture Arts education is a critical ingredient for a child’s growing brain. It supports skills such as innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving that nurture a motivation to learn. The arts support healthy brain development and are proven to increase academic achievement. A young child’s mind is an amazing […]
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Mar 30, 2015
Senior Services Spring Class Schedule
We’re excited to announce the Senior Services Spring Session class schedule. USES’ Seniors Services program enables residents to live independently and comfortably in their own homes, to engage with the broader community, and to maintain their health, wellbeing and happiness. “It’s important for seniors to remain active for many reasons,” says Clara Garcia, Director of Senior Services. […]
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Feb 24, 2015
Geordaliz: From Program Participant to Above-and-Beyond Volunteer
Geordaliz (right) leans on a friend during the Camp Hale girls session last summer. Geordaliz was a participant in the After School Program from the time she was 5 until she turned 13. When she aged out this summer, everyone was sad to see her go. It was amazing to watch her develop from a shy, […]
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Feb 24, 2015
February Vacation Arts Photo Gallery
by Chelsea Revelle, Director of Arts and Culture [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”13″ gal_title=”February Vacation Arts”] Our young artists from the February Vacation Arts Program were busy last week creating art and making a colorful mess! The Petite Picassos made their very own sketchbooks and art smocks that help lay the foundation for art making habits. Using recycled […]
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