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Learn At Work Celebrates Success After First Year

Four story brick building with adjacent courtyard
Nov 1, 2014
Call for Art: The Theresa Show Fiber Arts Exhibit
CALL FOR ART Eligibility: All work in the exhibition will be part of the auction.  Artists will receive 50% of the sale price unless they choose to contribute the full amount of the sale to the auction. The range of materials and subject matter are open. Submissions may include surface  design, woven, quilts, stitching, or […]
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Oct 30, 2014
In-School Arts Residency: Mixing Colors – Mezclando Colores
¡Vea mas abajo para español! The Hurley School first graders are working hard on their Eric Carle-inspired collage project! Before students make their own painted papers to use in their collages, we spend a class just exploring colors and how to mix them. First graders are just beginning to understand the rules of color mixing […]
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Oct 28, 2014
Fall Senior Creative Arts Class Begins
The Senior Creative Arts class has begun again for the fall! This session, the class is exploring printmaking. In printmaking, the artists creates a plate, a design that can be printed repeatedly, often by carving into a surface. They then roll ink over the surface of the plate, press paper onto it and pull their […]
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Oct 20, 2014
United South End Settlements Together with South End Community Health Center Nominated for “ESOL Leadership in Business and the Community” Award from English for New Bostonians
BOSTON, MA – English for New Bostonians (ENB) and its English Works Campaign held the event “Raising Our Voices: Recognizing ESOL Leadership in Business and the Community” on October 15th, 2014 to honor 20 businesses and labor management partnerships that have joined together with government and the non-profit sector to offer their immigrant workers the […]
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Oct 15, 2014
CAC Program Spotlight: Studio Arts In-School Residency
The Hurley K2 and 1st grade students have just begun their classes through the Children’s Art Centre’s Studio Arts In-School Residency! We are so excited to continue to partner with the Hurley School and build on last year’s work! Stay tuned for frequent updates… This fall, K2 is exploring the unit Our Community and focusing especially […]
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Sep 30, 2014
Announcing this years Sculpture in the Park Artists!
Sculpture in the Park Opening Reception  will take place on Saturday October 11th from 1 – 3 pm at Franklin Square Park in Boston’s South End. Participating artists include: Andrea Zampitella “What remains of a home?” refers to the text in Gaston Bachelards “Poetics of Space.” Bachelard speaks to the primitive feelings of pleasure and […]
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