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VICTORY for 350 children and their families!

Four story brick building with adjacent courtyard
Mar 13, 2023
S.T.E.P (Guaranteed Income Pilot) Story Telling Cohort: By Tim Fitzgerald, Family Mobility Coordinator
As we enter the final months of the S.T.E.P program, participants have offered to share and highlight some of their experiences and growth that have taken place over the last 17 months. Their stories have helped in our ability to asses the impact of our pilot program and have allowed us to draw some important […]
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Aug 9, 2022
United South End Settlements Elects Carmen Duarte New Board Chair
United South End Settlements Elects Carmen Duarte New Board Chair Five newly-appointed leaders join Board as neighborhood organization celebrates 130th anniversary year 
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Jun 24, 2022
A Letter to Our Community: Reflecting on Today’s Supreme Court Decision
Today’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, a landmark ruling that established a right to an abortion nearly a half-century ago, is heartbreaking.
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Jun 15, 2022
S.T.E.P (Guaranteed Income Pilot) Story-Telling Cohort: By 4Boston Volunteers
The S.T.E.P (Striving Towards Economic Prosperity) pilot at United South End Settlements is a Guaranteed Income Program where participants receive $800 monthly for 18 months without requirements on how they spend the money.
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May 25, 2022
A Letter to Our Community: Reflecting on Senseless Acts of Gun Violence in America
Dear USES community, Today our hearts are broken as we grieve for the victims of the horrific acts of gun violence at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the racially motivated shooting in Buffalo, NY, and the shooting at a California church earlier this month. Tragedies like these have become too common in our […]
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Mar 25, 2022
S.T.E.P (Guaranteed Income Pilot) Story-Telling Cohort: By 4Boston Volunteers
The S.T.E.P (Striving Towards Economic Prosperity) pilot at United South End Settlements is a Guaranteed Income Program where participants receive $800 monthly for 18 months without requirements on how they spend the money.
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