Registration for Camp Hale Summer 2024 is now open - Enroll Today!

Spend a Day at Camp Hale

Two campers at Camp Hale laugh as they sit with their other friends and camp peers.
Two campers at Camp Hale laugh as they sit with their other friends and camp peers.

"A Day at Camp Hale"

The morning bugle (reveille) wakes everyone up at 7:30 a.m. while Squam Lake is calm and quiet. If you’re lucky, you will have already been woken up by the call of a loon well before the bugle sounds. Groggy campers and staff make their way up the hill for a delicious breakfast at 8:00 a.m. Each cabin sits and eats meals together as campers make their way to sign up for morning activities.

After hearing the morning announcements, each cabin stacks their dishes, and is then dismissed to return to their cabin for Cabin Clean-Up. During this time, campers will make their beds, brush their teeth, change clothes for their morning activities, and make sure their space is spiffy for cabin inspections. At 9:15 a.m., everyone meets at “the logs” to break off to the different activities.

"I like to play in the water!” third-year camper, 9-year-old Oscar said. “It’s fun to play with my friends.”

Seven-year-old Rookie camper, Sam, said “My favorite activity is archery! I get to use a bow and arrow.”

Camp Hale provides campers with a wide range of activities to suit all interests and abilities. Private access to Squam Lake also allows for swimming and fishing opportunities, as well as a variety of watercraft adventures including canoeing, kayaking, and paddle boarding.

The arts and crafts room is a favorite spot throughout the summer as well as the robotics room - made possible through a generous donation of summer-usage equipment where campers can get creative with tech. Camp also provides supervised biking, archery, tennis, hiking, and trips around the New Hampshire area.

At 12:45 p.m., everyone will gather for lunch where afternoon announcements will be made. To let stomachs settle before afternoon activities, everyone will return to their cabins for an hour of rest period. During this time, campers are encouraged to do quiet activities: take a nap, write a letter, read a book or play a quiet board game with cabinmates.

At 2:15 p.m., campers can choose any campground-based activity such as archery, soccer, tennis, kayaking, etc.

At 5:20 p.m. all campers participate in a mandatory swim where swimming lessons are provided. Dinner is served after swimming.

Evening activities begin after dinner, when a camper challenge, camper or counselor talent show or a group campfire may take place!

At 8:30 p.m. showers, nighttime routines, and bedtime starts.

9:00 p.m. is the start of TAPS, which signals to all campers that it's time for lights out.

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